
object Resource

Defines several factory methods for creating instances of Resource.

Note: It is very important to try an pass a method that creates/opens the underlying resource or the actual creation code as the opener. This is important so that the resource can be used more than once. If an opened resource is passed to the factory method the resulting resource can only be used once since it closes the resource when it is closed.


val URL = new URL("")
val resource: Resource[InputStream] = Resource.fromInputStream(url.openStream).buffered


Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. Resource
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  7. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  8. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  9. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  10. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  11. def fromByteChannel[A <: ByteChannel](opener: ⇒ A): ByteChannelResource[A]

    Create an Input/Output Resource instance from a ByteChannel.

    Create an Input/Output Resource instance from a ByteChannel.

    The opener param is a by-name argument an is use to open a new stream. In other words it is important to try and pass in a function for opening the stream rather than the already opened stream so that the returned Resource can be used multiple time


    the function for opening a new ByteChannel


    a ByteChannelResource

  12. def fromClasspath(name: String): InputStreamResource[InputStream]

    Create an InputStreamResource from a resource on the classpath.

    Create an InputStreamResource from a resource on the classpath. The current threads context class loader is used to load the resource

    An exception is thrown if the resource does not exist

  13. def fromClasspath(name: String, cl: Class[_]): InputStreamResource[InputStream]

    Create an InputStreamResource from a resource on the classpath.

    Create an InputStreamResource from a resource on the classpath. The classloader from the provided class is used to resolve the resource.

    An exception is thrown if the resource does not exist

  14. def fromFile(file: String): SeekableByteChannelResource[SeekableByteChannel]

    Create a file from string then create a Seekable Resource from a File

    Create a file from string then create a Seekable Resource from a File


    the file to use for constructing a Seekable Resource


    a SeekableByteChannelResource

    Exceptions thrown

    if file does not exist

  15. def fromFile(file: File): SeekableByteChannelResource[SeekableByteChannel]

    Creates a Seekable Resource from a File

    Creates a Seekable Resource from a File


    the file to use for constructing a Seekable Resource


    a SeekableByteChannelResource

    Exceptions thrown

    if file does not exist

  16. def fromInputStream[A <: InputStream](opener: ⇒ A): InputStreamResource[A]

    Create an from an InputStream or subclass

    Create an from an InputStream or subclass

    The opener param is a by-name argument an is use to open a new stream. In other words it is important to try and pass in a function for opening the stream rather than the already opened stream so that the returned Resource can be used multiple time


    the function for opening a new InputStream


    an InputStreamResource

  17. def fromOutputStream[A <: OutputStream](opener: ⇒ A): OutputStreamResource[A]

    Create an Output Resource instance from an OutputStream.

    Create an Output Resource instance from an OutputStream.

    The opener param is a by-name argument an is use to open a new stream. In other words it is important to try and pass in a function for opening the stream rather than the already opened stream so that the returned Resource can be used multiple time


    the function for opening a new OutputStream


    an OutputStreamResource

  18. def fromRandomAccessFile(opener: ⇒ RandomAccessFile): SeekableByteChannelResource[SeekableFileChannel]

    Create an Input/Output/Seekable Resource instance from a RandomAccess file.

    Create an Input/Output/Seekable Resource instance from a RandomAccess file.

    The opener param is a by-name argument an is use to open a new stream. In other words it is important to try and pass in a function for opening the stream rather than the already opened stream so that the returned Resource can be used multiple time


    the function for opening a new SeekableByteChannel


    a SeekableByteChannelResource

  19. def fromReadableByteChannel[A <: ReadableByteChannel](opener: ⇒ A): ReadableByteChannelResource[A]

    Create an Input Resource instance from an ReadableByteChannel.

    Create an Input Resource instance from an ReadableByteChannel.

    The opener param is a by-name argument an is use to open a new stream. In other words it is important to try and pass in a function for opening the stream rather than the already opened stream so that the returned Resource can be used multiple time


    the function for opening a new ReadableByteChannel


    an ReadableByteChannelResource

  20. def fromReader[A <: Reader](opener: ⇒ A): ReaderResource[A]

    Create an ReadChars Resource instance from an Reader.

    Create an ReadChars Resource instance from an Reader.

    The opener param is a by-name argument an is use to open a new stream. In other words it is important to try and pass in a function for opening the stream rather than the already opened stream so that the returned Resource can be used multiple time


    the function for opening a new Reader


    an ReaderResource

  21. def fromSeekableByteChannel[A <: SeekableByteChannel](opener: (Seq[OpenOption]) ⇒ A): SeekableByteChannelResource[A]

    Create an Input/Output/Seekable Resource instance from a function => SeekableByteChannel.

    Create an Input/Output/Seekable Resource instance from a function => SeekableByteChannel. The function takes the open options that describe how the channel should be opened.

    The opener param is a by-name argument an is use to open a new stream. In other words it is important to try and pass in a function for opening the stream rather than the already opened stream so that the returned Resource can be used multiple time


    the function for opening a new SeekableByteChannel


    a SeekableByteChannelResource

  22. def fromSeekableByteChannel[A <: SeekableByteChannel](opener: ⇒ A): SeekableByteChannelResource[A]

    Create an Input/Output/Seekable Resource instance from a SeekableByteChannel.

    Create an Input/Output/Seekable Resource instance from a SeekableByteChannel.

    The opener param is a by-name argument an is use to open a new stream. In other words it is important to try and pass in a function for opening the stream rather than the already opened stream so that the returned Resource can be used multiple time


    the function for opening a new SeekableByteChannel


    a SeekableByteChannelResource

  23. def fromURL(url: String): InputStreamResource[InputStream]

    Converts the string to a URL and creates an Input Resource from the URL

    Converts the string to a URL and creates an Input Resource from the URL


    the url string to use for constructing a InputStreamResource


    an InputStreamResource

    Exceptions thrown

    if the url string is not a valid URL

  24. def fromURL(url: URL): InputStreamResource[InputStream]

    Creates an Input Resource from a URL

    Creates an Input Resource from a URL


    the url to use for constructing a InputStreamResource


    an InputStreamResource

  25. def fromWritableByteChannel[A <: WritableByteChannel](opener: ⇒ A): WritableByteChannelResource[A]

    Create an Output Resource instance from an WritableByteChannel.

    Create an Output Resource instance from an WritableByteChannel.

    The opener param is a by-name argument an is use to open a new stream. In other words it is important to try and pass in a function for opening the stream rather than the already opened stream so that the returned Resource can be used multiple time


    the function for opening a new WritableByteChannel


    an WritableByteChannelResource

  26. def fromWriter[A <: Writer](opener: ⇒ A): WriterResource[A]

    Create an WriteChars Resource instance with conversion traits from an Writer.

    Create an WriteChars Resource instance with conversion traits from an Writer.

    The opener param is a by-name argument an is use to open a new stream. In other words it is important to try and pass in a function for opening the stream rather than the already opened stream so that the returned Resource can be used multiple time


    the function for opening a new Writer


    an WriterResource

  27. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  28. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  29. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  30. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  31. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  32. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  33. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  34. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  35. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  36. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
  37. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
