Write several characters to the underlying object
Execute the function 'f' passing an WriteChars instance that performs all operations on a single opened connection to the underlying resource.
Execute the function 'f' passing an WriteChars instance that performs all operations on a single opened connection to the underlying resource. Typically each call to one of the Output's methods results in a new connection. For example if the underlying OutputStream truncates the file each time the connection is made then calling write two times will result in the contents of the second write overwriting the second write.
Even if the underlying resource is an appending, using open will be more efficient since the connection only needs to be made a single time.
the result of the function
Write several strings.
Write several strings. The open options that can be used are dependent on the implementation and implementors should clearly document which option are permitted.
The data to write
A string to add between each string. It is not added to the before the first string or after the last.
A trait for objects that can have expect to have characters written to them. For example a FileWriter can be a WriteChars object (or be converted to one).
Note: Each invocation of a method will typically open a new stream or channel. That behaviour can be overridden by the implementation but it is the default behaviour.